30 June 2007

girl crush

I have to admit, I used to love Hollywood gossip. I used to read US Weekly and check the gossip sites everyday. But in the past year, I grew so tired of reading that crap that I don't even pay attention anymore. I still check socialitelife.com every day, but I just scan to see if there is anything about Spice Girls (ha), or my favorite "alternative" girls. These are the girls like Kirsten Dunst, Kate Bosworth, and Zooey Deschanel who don't get photographed drunk or acting stupid or looking trashy or whatever, but who have great style and are great actresses and genuinely interesting to me.

My latest girl crush is on Zooey Deschanel, and it grew stronger after finally reading the latest issue of Jane with her on the cover. I love that she's goofy and doesn't look like anyone else, yet always looks amazing. Seeing how well she went from blonde to brunette makes me want to dye my hair!

If you haven't yet, go get the June/July issue of Jane. It finally gives us an actress worth reading about!

1 comment:

Kasmira said...

OMG! I love her too! She will be on a new show this fall (ABC?) about some guy that can bring dead people back to life by touching them. Her sister is awesome too (Bones).
