22 August 2007

totally useless beauty

One of the more beautiful, if not pointless, trends this fall is sassy colored gloves. They are pointless for me living in Florida (my hands invariably stay comfortably warm all year long, all on their own), but I keep seeing gloves that really impress me.

The trend first hit me when I was reading the latest (& last) Jane. A section called "New Hires" (pg 138) shows us cool clothes to wear to the office. Though I don't know if any of these outfits would actually work in a professional setting, the styling was great.

The two brands featured in this spread are LaCrasia & Carolina Amato (found at eLuxry). They are pricey, at an average of $100. I'm sure there are cheaper ones out there, but I can't find comparable ones right now. (Maybe Target will come through for me once they get more winter gear in stores).

But the gloves are beautiful, right? They really work with this whole look, which I might try to emulate. I call it the bag-lady-meets-preppy-corporate-broad. Love it.


Emma said...

Wonderful blog. Linking you now.

WendyB said...

The yellow gloves are fab.

Joy said...

Terrific post! I love the colors in these pictures.

The Redheaded Bandit said...

florida's mi home 2. if i lived in antartica i would totally be buying a LOT of those.